The society promotes the sharing and discussion of TMJ knowledge to aid and stimulate the scientific community.

The ESTMJS Observership Grant/Program is an informal shadowing experience that enables participants to watch TMJ procedures and surgeries in selected hospitals, attend patient rounds and teaching conferences, and have access to local teaching. Usually, local regulations prevent observers from having patient care responsibilities or involvement in any form of volunteer research. The maximum contribution per individual is capped at up to 1000 Euro which may be divided between more than one applicant.

Eligibility and timeline

  • The ESTMJS Observership Grant supports fully trained junior international OMF surgeons / practicing specialists / residents in the final stage before graduation.
  • The length of the program is 2 – 4
  • Applications must be submitted 8 – 12 months prior to the desired
  • The board will decide no later than 6 months before the internship. No reasons will be given for rejection of the Any legal process is categorically precluded.
  • Applicants will be asked to confirm the ESTMJS associated hospital of their choice. Hospitals not directly linked to ESTMJS are not excluded on principle and can be considered with adequate supporting information.

The Observership Grant is not designed for international medical graduates (IMG) residing in the United States or abroad, who are currently not employed and intend to apply for residency or fellowship in the U.S. These applications will not be considered for this program.

  • When choosing a possible hospital, please consider the local rules on entry and visa issuance. The ESTMJS does not assume any responsibility for this.

Application policies:

  • Each applicant is responsible for ensuring their application is
  • The ESTMJS Board will not consider any additional changes once an application has been submitted for review.
  • Applicants are responsible for ensuring that all information and supporting documents provided are authentic and accurate.
  • The ESTMJS Board reserve the right to request additional information or verification of information and documents submitted. If an applicant is unable to do so, the ESTMJS Board reserve the right to withdraw consideration of the application.
  • Applicants assume all costs associated with authenticating, retrieving, and submitting documents and material in support of their application and fulfilment of the observership.
  • Applicants must possess competent language skills for the professional healthcare environment they are visiting
  • All arrangements regarding visa, traveling, and living conditions are the individual responsibility of the applicant.
  • The grant does not preclude the applicant from seeking other sponsorship revenues.
  • The Observership Grant is paid in two instalments. The first payment will be made approximately 1 month prior to the start of the The second instalment will be arranged after the completion of the observership and after receipt of an observership report within 4 weeks after the completion of the observership.
  • The applicant may be requested to present their report at the ESTMJS meeting.

Documents required:

  • Up-to-date CV / Resume
  • Personal statement – one page addressing your interest in this program and the reasons for application and the expected outcome.
  • If applicable, list of publications
  • Letter of recommendation from a ESTMJS member would be beneficial. Further introduced physicians or the dean of your current medical school can also attest the academic and other relevant experience. It needs to be printed on the physician’s or dean’s office letterhead with appropriate signatures and should be issued in the past 6 months.
  • Employment or medical school enrolment verification letter.
  • Letter of acceptance from host hospital.
  • Picture of upi.
  • Health certificate (list of vaccinations).
  • All documents submitted must be in: English, PDF, DOC, or DOCX format.
  • Submission to ESTMJS Secretariat

Grant Application Form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message


    Do you have TMJ research/cases to present?

    The ESTMJS Congress Grant is a support tool to help you attend and present your work to the wider TMJ community and helps networking opportunities.

    Guidelines for application

    • The grant is limited to a maximum of 500 €
    • All applicants are required to submit their CV in English.
    • The grant is limited to junior hospital doctors such as residents in training and PhD students only.
    • The grant will support your travelling to relevant OMF congresses to present your TMJ related work.
    • Preference will be given to applicants giving an oral rather than a poster presentation at a congress.
    • A copy of the presentation’s abstract as well as the written acceptance by the scientific committee in charge of the congress (including title and date of the presentation) is required.
    • The ESTMJS Board will assign a flat-rate single support payment only, covering part of the travel and accommodation expense.
    • The ESTMJS Board representatives will attempt to confirm the grant support decision in advance of three months of the anticipated congress.
    • There is no legal entitlement to funding and any legal process is categorically precluded.